Derma Desire


Acne – without a doubt – is a teenager’s most despised problem. Acne pimples, cysts, blackheads and whiteheads can ravage a young person’s skin and destroy self-esteem. The best time to begin acne treatment is as soon as it becomes evident. Acne usually progressively worsens if untreated. Prevention and control is preferred – before acne has had a chance to take over and cause scarring and psychological damage.

Acne affects approximately 80% of the population. It’s an inherited skin condition that is controlled by prescription medications, hormone therapy, topical products, light therapy such as Blue Light and in the more difficult cases, the use of Photo Dynamic Therapy.

Cause of Acne?

The “cause” of acne is a little bacteria called P. Acnes. This bacteria grows quickly when no oxygen is present. The reason some people have acne and others don’t is that a person with acne has skin cells that don’t slough off at a normal rate. (The skin cell turnover of a person with acne tendencies is much slower than normal.) This slow turnover rate allows pores to become clogged with natural oils. The more oil your sebaceous glands produce, the more acne has a chance to show up. A plug forms and the little P. Acnes bacteria start to multiply. If nothing interferes with this bacteria growth, a pimple or cyst forms.

Myths about Acne

1. Acne is caused by poor hygiene – Not so. Keeping your skin clean is of course important, but overly vigorous washing will only cause more oil production and aggravate your condition.
2.Acne is caused by stress – Not so. But stress can definitely worsen acne.
3.Acne is cause by diet – There’s no evidence to prove any correlation between diet and acne. However, there has been some speculation that removing dairy products from your diet makes a difference.
4.Acne is just cosmetic and therefore not serious – Anyone with acne knows this is not so. The emotional impact is very serious. Acne scars are a result of skin damage.
5.Acne will go away on it’s own – Acne can be cleared. Delaying or ignoring treatment options can cause permanent skin damage and prolonged psychological suffering.