Laser for Melasma & Freckles

Q-switched Laser Treatment

The Q-switched laser is used to remove unwanted brown spots, sun freckles, or tattoos from your skin. The laser energy pulse, which is in billionths of a second, releases the pigment into the skin so it can be naturally reabsorbed and disposed of by the body.

How does Q-switched laser treatment work?

The Q-switched laser is used to remove unwanted brown spots, sun freckles, or tattoos from your skin. The laser energy pulse, which is in billionths of a second, releases the pigment into the skin so it can be naturally reabsorbed and disposed of by the body.

The laser energy feels like many tiny hot dots on your skin. The discomfort is greatly reduced (but not eliminated) by a stream of cold air directed at the spots during treatment. Tattoo removal without anesthetic is very painful, so we always attempt to anesthetize the area before performing tattoo removal.

What benefits can I expect?

A single treatment usually removes greater than 75-100% of an individual brown spot. A second or, on rare occasions, a third treatment, may be needed to completely neutralize the color.

What are the risks and side effects?

A red or brown spot may appear when the treated sun freckle is gone and the crust heals. Although this new spot is temporary and usually goes away on its own, it can be treated if it persists. Infections and/ scars are rare. Proper skin care and sun avoidance are important.

Prior to treatment potential risks and side effects will be discussed with you by your cosmetic coordinator and medical provider. 

What happens after treatment?

If the area being treated is the face, make sure to tell the provider if you have a history of cold sores on herpes simplex because laser energy may activate the virus. Be aware that you will have crusts on the treated area for a few days to 2 weeks (if on the legs, it may even be 3-4 weeks).  We recommend that you treat these with plain vaseline or petroleum jelly and keep them covered with bandages until they are healed, as this speeds the healing. Although you can use makeup over the treated areas, they may be difficult to cover with makeup. Otherwise no preparation is necessary.

You feel a burning sensation on the treated area for several minutes or up to a few hours. The spots become red and form a crust that must be covered to heal optimally.  The crust heals in 3 to 14 days, (longer for arms and legs) depending on the location and how well you care for it.   

Are there other ways to get the same benefit?

Yes. Photorejuvenation or the Fraxel laser works well too. So does photodynamic therapy (PDT). But we usually reserve these procedures for treating entire areas of skin rather than just a few brown spots. If you have many spots on the legs, arms, or chest, we use PDT. Liquid nitrogen is another option for single spot removal but this leaves a white spot where the brown spot used to be. The Q-switched laser leaves no white spot, so that’s why we use it.

Can we combine this with other treatments?

Yes, but not on the same day in the same area as the Q-switched laser treatment. This is because the laser develops so much heat during treatment. 

How much does the Q-switched laser cost?

The cost depends on the area treated and the number of treatments. A single treatment costs $350 to $800, depending on the area(s).  One to 3 treatments are usually needed to completely remove the spots.